I'm doing OK pro per.
So far I've filed a motion do dismiss (demurrer) and was rewarded with a reply from the prosecution stating that the Necessary and Proper clause supersedes the 5th amendment.
The hearing date was supposed to be March 17th.
Th prosecution responded 11 days late to my motion.
The court granted me more time to respond.
I came up with a 33 page response, found here;
I have to have it finished up/finalized/insurmountable by April 8th.
The hearing on the motion will be March 21st.
The trial date has been pushed back to July 22nd.
I'm willing to fight this as long and as hard as I can, but I could use some help getting that thing into a presentable format and strengthened a bit.
Anyone willing to help me out?
It is in bad need of a spell/grammar check. I'll get on that.
It was a rush job to be sure something was on file in case the court demanded we proceed with the hearing on the 17th.
I know it needs some work.
If anyone sees factual flaws or legal weaknesses, please inform me IMMEDIATELY
kalash AT kalash DOT ws
Any other suggestions/assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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